The Lunatic Ravings of Greg J. Hipius

The random thoughts and musings of a high school teacher, arts enthusiast, and rare cynical optimist.

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Location: Syracuse, New York, United States

About the author / moderator: Mr. H thrives in dark, cool places, such as theatres, or chilly nighttime campfires. Thriving on a diet consisting primarily of potato and cheese products, this strange species is happiest when working in areas that stretch the mind and heart, especially when reaching other people. Creative outlets are a must. Caution: this species is protective of its kind and its young, and is known to rant in verbal assaults when threatened by the inconsideration or idiocy of others.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

A weekend with the gang

I spent this past weekend on a short trip with some friends. We drove down to Lancaster, Pennsylvania on Saturday, went out to dinner at a local Ichiban, stayed overnight in a downtown hotel (where we enjoyed a fantastic evening swim in the pool, which we had all to ourselves), and then headed over on Sunday to the reason for the trip, a performance of the musical 1776 at the Dutch Apple Theater, before heading back to Syracuse sunday night (stopping at a Cracker Barrel on the way). It was a short, exhausting trip, and some of the best fun I've had in a long time.

I honestly, truly love going on trips with friends. While relaxing in the pool on Saturday, we ended up on the topic, and there really is a key truth to that statement, at least for me: it matters not much at all where the trip is headed, but rather that it is with friends. The chance to hop in a carful of friends and hit the road, chat for hours, share music, share relaxations, share experiences (no matter what they are) along the way, it's at the center of my most treasured memories.

This summer will be a really packed one for us - I'm busy almost every week and every weekend, each with different responsibilities. Still, I hope we can find the time to just get together and go places with some friends, preferably unhindered by it being connected with any specific formal group or responsibility. Now that's the way I unwind.

P.S. - On a side note, I just got home from another very cathartic experience, the final Corcoran Live! concert of the season, and the last significant event I had the opportunity to share with this year's seniors. More on this next post - I have to get the photos processed first.


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