The Lunatic Ravings of Greg J. Hipius

The random thoughts and musings of a high school teacher, arts enthusiast, and rare cynical optimist.

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Location: Syracuse, New York, United States

About the author / moderator: Mr. H thrives in dark, cool places, such as theatres, or chilly nighttime campfires. Thriving on a diet consisting primarily of potato and cheese products, this strange species is happiest when working in areas that stretch the mind and heart, especially when reaching other people. Creative outlets are a must. Caution: this species is protective of its kind and its young, and is known to rant in verbal assaults when threatened by the inconsideration or idiocy of others.

Friday, March 03, 2006

New Photospoofs - and possibly a new hobby?

In my last post, I mentioned the site I was newly introduced to and its photospoofing contests, and I shared my first rather novice attempt. Well, although my submission wasn't award-worthy for that contest last week, I have to admit that I've now gotten a bit further interested in the art form, and that interest has been intensified by the next contest they announced. I came up with a few strong ideas late last night after it was announced, and then put two of them together tonight and uploaded them (sadly, my third idea was used by someone else before I could make it and post it... more on that later).

The contest was "to create the worst possible (imaginary) feature-film remake of an (actual) old TV show." There are a ton of very funny submissions up, and I encourage you to go take a look, but here are my ideas.

My actual primary submission is this:

Admittedly, it's got limited appeal - primarily only to people who are familiar with the old Dr. Who series (not just current one, but the old ones - particularly the Tom Baker ones - to which I was only myself introduced this year) and who are also familiar with the general trend of what American filmmakers and television producers tend to do to good British ideas... but I still am pretty darned proud of it, and think it is good for a laugh.

I also made a secondary submission, which I didn't officially submit in the end:

This one has more general appeal, and I'm pretty proud of it too. Unfortunately, the contest rather arbitrarily embargoes references to Brokeback Mountain (I think because some executive somewhere is tired of that line of humor), and I didn't notice that until I'd put all the work into getting it right. I think it's significantly funny and worth the joke, regardless of how common humor references to Brokeback Mountain have been over the past month or so, so I was really sad to have to not submit it. I posted a little message in the contest board directing anyone looking through the submissions just for fun to it so that they might enjoy the laugh anyway, but I sadly doubt anyone will really see and enjoy it.

My third idea, which I didn't get to do because someone else turned it into reality and submitted it before I got home tonight to have a chance to work it up myself, was The Smurfs starring several various pop-culture pervasive film actors (just recolored blue for the fake DVD cover). Imagine my frustration when I looked through the newest submissions the minute I got home tonight and had a chance, and already saw someone having done a very good job of that idea. *sigh* Ah, well.

I hope someone out there has had a good laugh at these efforts...


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